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Increase Your Understanding of How Herbal Medicine Works in this 6-month Online Course

Build a foundation for your herbal learning.

This 6-month beginner-to-intermediate course is PACKED with herbal medicine details, anatomy and physiology, guidance in using scores of herbs, serving as a community herbalist or practitioner, building an organic brand, and more.

The program builds a straightforward path for you on these core topics:

  1. Formulary--learn to combine herbs into truly effective remedies
  2. Herbal Actions--learn how to let categories make medicinal sense
  3. Herbalism by Body System -- address health challenges for all major body systems, especially brain and mental health 

By the end of this certificate program, you'll feel capable and ready to apply your botanical healing knowledge from your strong herbal medicine FOUNDATION.

Holly Bellebuono herbalist
Collage of Making Herbal Blends

Work with a Core Group of 33+ Herbs

This course features practical guidance about how to use dozens of edible and medicinal plants in your daily life, from my real-lived experience.

You'll build a strong understanding of a core group of about 33 herbs plus dozens more. (Want to see which herbs? Download the syllabus below.)

You'll feel at home in the Herbal Medicine FOUNDATIONS Course

Welcome! I'm thrilled to celebrate 2025 as the 20th year of the Bellebuono School of Herbal Medicine's classes, workshops, and apprenticeships. Today, the BSHM is known internationally for providing quality, comprehensive programs that empower students to reach the next level in your career or knowledge.

I've had the joy of working with thousands of students and sharing herbal medicine knowledge through my books, products, and courses. Many of my students have used this program as a FOUNDATION or springboard into other studies. For instance, some of my students have graduated from this course and then:

freelanced as a formulator making custom blends

worked in a pharmacy

purchased a farm & started farming

worked at an herbal sanctuary

volunteered at botanical gardens

launched a successful natural product line

integrated herbal knowledge into their midwifery and massage practices

taught classes locally

gone on to study with specialist teachers on deeper topics such as herbal therapy for cancer, midwifery, adaptogens, skincare, functional medicine, naturopathy, and more

Holly Bellebuono

With the Herbal Medicine FOUNDATIONS program, you can:

  • establish yourself as a knowledgeable herbalist
  • integrate herbal healing into your daily life
  • gain a rich understanding of herbal materia medica
  • empower your farm, family, and community
  • apply your knowledge to nursing, acupuncture, counseling & more
  • support your family and community with common-sense, practical natural healing strategies
  • launch your herbal or natural products, skincare, cosmetics, coffee/tea, or chocolate business
  • get discounts on herbal ingredients through Holly's partnership with Mountain Rose Herbs
  • Earn a certificate and CEUs (if desired) for acupuncturists, nurses, therapists, and herbalists

This practical course walks you through the science of herbalism so you develop a solid foundation for plants and healing.

Practical & Useful

This plant and human health course teaches:

  • herbs for all the major body systems (respiratory, cardio, nervous, skin, digestive, endocrine, urinary, etc)
  • brain and mental health herbal protocols
  • combining herbs effectively in a formula or blend
  • herbal actions (categories)
  • entrepreneurship with lessons in Labeling Laws and Certified Organic Practices

Quick FAQ:

  • HOURS: estimated at 96 hours of education (for RH-AHG)
  • DURATION: about 6 months
  • CEUs: confers 13 CEUs for the Herbs for the Brain course component for acupuncturists; eligible for nurses and counselors too


"Definitely worth my time and money!"

SG, alumnus


You'll get:

  • A rich introduction to Western herbalism (with brief intros to Ayurvedic and Eastern herbal protocols)
  • Modules organized by body system
  • 35 key herbal actions with examples, photographs, and sample formulas
  • First-aid skills for acute conditions, for all ages
  • Herbal support for pregnancy, breastfeeding, and infant and childcare
  • The comprehensive course Herbs for the Brain approved for CEUs for neuro-diseases, depression, and anxiety
  • FDA and labeling lessons for running your small business
  • Quick reference charts and "cheat sheets" to guide herbal decision-making

The course includes a Welcome Package including a printed Course Manual with printed copies of 2 of Holly Bellebuono’s books shipped to your US address.

What this program does not cover: Cancer, cannabis, or astrology.

The Program Includes

Video & Comprehensive Written Instruction

Printed Herbal Books

Digestive System Module

Cardiovascular System Module

Endocrine System Module

Respiratory System Module

Urinary System & Men's Health Module

**Complete Herbs for the Brain Course

Skin Module

Complete Herbs for Mama & Baby Course

Inflammation & Pain Module

Complete Herbal Actions Course

Herbal Formulary Module

Immune System Module

Organic Brands & Entrepreneurship Module

Labeling Laws Module

plus first aid, safe and tonic herbs, and more

Compare Our Courses

The Herbal Medicine Foundations program is the most comprehensive course available and INCLUDES all other courses.

herbal medicine courses

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About Your Instructor

For 30 years, herbalist, award-winning author, international keynote speaker and entrepreneur Holly Bellebuono has taught tens of thousands of people how to use herbal medicine for health. She is the founder of the Bellebuono School of Herbal Medicine and has lectured in Costa Rica, Canada, England and across the US about the herbal medicine and women's empowerment.

She is the author of 8 books published in 3 languages: Women Healers of the World (awarded Book of the Year by The International Herb Association), The Essential Herbal for Natural Health, The Healing Kitchen, The Authentic Herbal Healer, An Herbalist’s Guide to Formulary, Llewellyn’s Little Book of Herbs, and others (see below).

Holly holds certificates in corporate social responsibility and sustainability, and she is passionate about supporting natural & organic brands.

The Bellebuono School of Herbal Medicine is an official school member of The American Herbalist Guild since 2011.

The following video is a sample of Holly's lecturing style (it's for a menopause podcast but the topic is myth-busting in herbal medicine).


In-Person Teachings

A few pics from teaching and speaking in Nova Scotia, Cape Cod, Martha's Vineyard, Michigan, New Hampshire, England, and Costa Rica

Testimonials from program alumni


Frequently Asked Questions

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Preview the Syllabus! Get to know Your 33 Core Herbs

See how the program is laid out and which topics you'll be studying in what order.

herbal study course

Get the Syllabus now

as a PDF. 

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