Increase your knowledge so you can holistically support your clients with brain health

This intermediate-level certificate course is especially designed for nurses, acupuncturists, social workers, counselors, therapists, herbalists, caregivers, and other healing arts practitioners. Study topics include brain and mental health, gerontology, anxiety, dementia, and Western herbal theory & practical application of herbs for mental health and diseases. The course is approved or available for CEUs and Contact Hours by the following Boards:

Herbs for the Brain

Are you a health care professional seeking herbal therapy certification, complementary therapies, functional medicine, or neuro studies to support clients with brain and mental health?

This one-of-a-kind brain health certification course is a comprehensive study of the recent research and traditional use of herbs and foods that support brain and mental health. The course includes 8.5 hours of video instruction plus substantial reading material covering the botanical therapies and nutrition needed to holistically address mental health diseases and disorders. You'll learn the key structures and processes of the brain and neurons, and you'll explore up-to-date research combined with traditional herbal healing to learn how herbal methods and foods can support healthy brain function.

The course surveys Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's, depression, anxiety, ALS, OCD, and ADHD, all at an intermediate level with an emphasis on natural and holistic ways to support brain health.

Especially designed for herbalists, social workers, counselors, nurses, therapists, health care professionals, acupuncturists, naturopaths, and caregivers, this course teaches how herbs and foods can help us build better nerve networks and strengthen cognition, mental clarity, memory, muscle movement, and peace of mind.

This course is by The Bellebuono School of Herbal Medicine, an official school of the American Herbalist Guild since 2011.

Note: This is an intermediate, certificate-awarding course; for the beginner course instead, go here.

Herbal Remedies Matter More than Ever for Mental Health

We are living longer than at any time in human history, which is both a blessing and a challenge. This means we have an enormous population of people who have entered the late stage in life whose needs are significant. As of 2023 the number of people worldwide aged 65+ is 761,000, 2050 (only 25 years from now!) this number is projected to nearly double, reaching about 1.6 billion. (US Census Bureau)

Aging minds are susceptible to dementia. Of those ages 60-74, between 5% and 7% have some form of dementia. Alarmingly, this percentage doubles every five years after that, so that in those aged 75-84, 18-20% have dementia. And for those aged 85 or older, an astonishing 30-50% have dementia.

The World Health Organization (WHO) predicts that Alzheimer's disease will increase significantly. By 2050, the number of people living with Alzheimer's and other dementias is expected to triple, rising from around 55 million today to 139 million worldwide.

Complementary Holistic Therapy is Key

Supporting those at risk of or already diagnosed with dementia is not the only reason to study herbal remedies for the brain. Neurodegenerative diseases affect populations of all ages and backgrounds, including ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis), MS (multiple sclerosis), and Parkinson’s Disease. Depression and anxiety restrict the lives of millions of people around the world with panic attacks and debilitating symptoms.

In the United States alone, roughly 21 million adults are diagnosed with major depression every year. Anxiety disorders are the most common mental health conditions in the U.S., with around 40 million adults (about 19% of the population) diagnosed every year.

This course prepares you to support clients naturally.

What You'll Learn in the Herbs for the Brain certificate course

With this updated, comprehensive and intermediate course, you will be able to:

  • describe how nerve cells work in the brain and the processes that are critical to mental health--and what happens when they break down 
  • discuss the processes behind major diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's, as well as herbs and foods to support mental clarity
  • identify dozens of herbs that are traditionally used and/or studied clinically to address dementia and disorders such as depression and anxiety,
  • provide guidance into how to use herbal remedies and foods safely and reliably for long-term mental health
  • how to use herbs and diet to support sodium-potassium balance 
  • understand the latest research into herbs that protect glial cells, oligodendrocytes, the myelin sheath, and the blood-brain barrier
  • describe how blood sugar regulation can support healthy brain function, especially in those at risk for Alzheimers or other dementias
  • identify up-to-date research and clinical and university studies supporting herbs for brain health
  • recommend supportive diets, nutrients, and herbs for those with blood sugar issues, depression, anxiety and dementia
  • support clients and family with herbal therapies and nutrition specifically geared toward those will mental health conditions, and share ways to daily improve their diet and take botanical remedies (either alone or in conjunction with modern drugs) to support long-term mental health

Students successfully completing the course, including earning a minimum score of 80% on all module exams, earn a Certificate of Completion.

**This course is approved for 13 CE hours by the California Acupuncture Board (CEP#1840). This course meets the requirements of the Massachusetts Board of Registration in Nursing at 244 CMR 5.00 for 13 CH (contact hours). The course meets NCBB requirements for home study of Wellness and Prevention in Mental Health.

Brain Health Topics Covered

  • Alzheimer's Disease
  • Parkinson's Disease
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) 
  • Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
  • neuron structure, axons, synaptic cleft, action potential
  • neurotransmitter function, consequences of neurotransmitter failure
  • myelin sheath, demyelination, glial cells and oligodendrocytes
  • SSRI and MAOI herbs and how they work in the brain and the gut
  • the sodium potassium pump
  • oxidation and antioxidants
  • neuro-inflammation and anti-inflammatories
  • blood brain barrier
  • diabetes and blood sugar regulation and new research on hypoglycemic herbs
  • the gut-brain relationship, herbs and foods that serve as probiotics and gut-based SSRI
  • herbs traditionally used to support mental health, including tonics, anxiolytics, vasodilators, and neurotrophic herbs
  • herbal categories of actions specific to brain health, including adaptogens, nootropics, and anxiolytics sedative and non-sedative
  • in-depth new research on herbs, such as St. John's wort, ginkgo, turmeric, pine bark, ashwagandha, and herbs with berberine
  • supportive diets and nutritional profiles specific to brain health

What You Get When You Enroll in the Course

The course includes a wealth of downloadable digital, video, and written modules and lessons, plus helpful resources, charts, and an e-book. Students are well-prepared with comprehensive Learning Objectives, course materials, an evaluation form for CEUs especially for nurses and acupuncturists, and a certificate of attendance/completion.

26-pg Student Workbook

13 Hours Video & Written Instruction

Brain Health Recipe E-Book

Thorough Charts & Resources

116-pg Coursebook

Herbal Actions Workbook

252-pg Slide Presentation

Module Exams to Earn Certificate


As a student in The Bellebuono School of Herbal Medicine, you can take advantage of our partnership with Mountain Rose Herbs, getting a 10% discount on your online orders with them. We consider MRH a reliable and trustworthy vendor for botanical powders, extracts, dried herbs, oils, and more.

Deepen your ability to support your clients' mental health

-- 13.00 approved CEU/CH

-- Lifetime access to recordings and course materials

-- 1 year access for CEU/CH completion

-- On-Demand Video Course

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About Instructor Holly Bellebuono

Herbalist, author, consultant, and international speaker of 30+ years, Holly Bellebuono is known for taking complex subjects in chemistry and anatomy and making them easy to understand—and especially for relating how edible and medicinal plants can benefit a wide range of ailments and issues. Holly teaches formulary, herbal actions, herbs for all body systems, and advocates for collaboration with health care professionals to build a proactive team to support people with both acute and chronic conditions.

Her published books include Women Healers of the World (awarded Book of the Year by The International Herb Association), The Essential Herbal for Natural Health, An Herbalist’s Guide to Formulary, Llewellyn’s Little Book of Herbs, and The Healing Kitchen. Holly has lectured about healing and women’s empowerment in Canada, Costa Rica, England, and across the United States.

She is the founder of Selle Impact Consulting and The Bellebuono School of Herbal Medicine, which has been an official school of The American Herbalists Guild since 2011.

We are proud to be an official school member of the American Herbalist Guild since 2011.

Herbs for the Brain Online Course

Make a positive impact in your career by increasing your understanding of Herbs for the Brain.

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