Make a Delicious, Rich Winter Herbal Hot Cocoa

ashwagandha dandelion eleuthero hot cocoa Nov 20, 2023
hot cocoa

The Best Herbal Hot Cocoa

The combination of bitter dandelion root and silky chocolate is enlivening and restorative. This recipe calls for 2 to 3 tablespoons of sugar which is divided between 2 and 4 servings, which is just enough to take the edge off the natural bitter flavor. For sweetness, try using beet sugar, sucanat, or even molasses.

This is a quick recipe -- since you’re using powders here, there is no steeping time required. And because it's so easy, this is a great activity for children--they can help measure the powders while they inhale deeply (the scent is magical!) and they can practice measurements and math. You can make this recipe #vegan by substituting soy, oat, almond or other plant-based beverage for the heavy cream. 

You can also "up" the vibe of this cocoa by adding adaptogenic herbs (those that help sustain us over the long-term) such as ashwagandha or eleuthero.

Environmentally Sustainable Cocoa

It is unfortunate that one of our favorite foods (cocoa) is being manipulated by a growing commercial industry that devalues fair hiring and trade practices and destroys land and forests to get it. On top of that, there is currently a blight attacking cocoa trees in their primary growing regions which is decimating village life and reducing cocoa supplies.

Thankfully, there are companies that are passionate about growing and processing cocoa sustainably--so that the earth and the people prosper. Many of these companies are B-corps (benefit corporations that focus on "business as a force for good.")

Examples of worthy chocolate and cocoa companies include Equal Exchange, Love Cocoa Ltd., and Divine Chocolate, to name a few. Vendors that carry quality cocoa with responsive and transparent processing practices include Mountain Rose Herbs.

Hot Cocoa Recipe

This recipe yields 2 - to - 4 servings, depending on the size of the mug you use, with an estimated 1 cup of cocoa per serving.

2 tablespoons cocoa powder

1 tablespoon powdered dandelion root or powdered chicory root (see note)

½ teaspoon powdered cinnamon

1/2 teaspoon powdered ashwagandha or eleuthero, optional

2 to 3 tablespoons sugar

4 cups boiling water

½ cup heavy cream

Put the cocoa powder, dandelion root, cinnamon, and sugar in a kettle. Pour the water over them and stir well. When blended, add the heavy cream and divide into 2 to 4 mugs.

Excerpted/adapted from The Essential Herbal For Natural Health, Roost Books 2012, by Holly Bellebuono

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