Spicy, Healing, Ginger Broth

ginger homestead soup & stock Nov 20, 2023
hot broth in bowl

This is a medicinal broth to be prepared for someone feeling under-the-weather. By making only 2 cups, you will have enough broth to keep in a thermos for the patient to sip throughout the day, but not enough for a whole meal. However, the broth can be part of a larger recipe such as an Indian or Thai soup.

 The Benefits of Using Ginger Root

Ginger root, from the plant Zingiber officinalis, is an incredibly versatile and useful herb. Generally grown in the tropics, this plant has been treasured in kitchens the world over for centuries. The root has warming and stimulating qualities that pair well with cinnamon (for baked goods) and citrus (for soups), as well as anti-inflammatory properties that make it ideal in salves and ointments for topical pain.

In this soup, the ginger will open up the lungs for respiratory health, especially useful for when you are someone you are supporting is stuffy or congested. This soup is a bit spicy, so if it is too much, simply add cream, yogurt, or almond milk to cool the spiciness.

Spicy, Healing Ginger Broth Recipe

3 cups water

One 3-inch root ginger, chopped, skin on

4 to 6 cloves garlic, peeled and halved

1 teaspoon whole peppercorns

1 teaspoon fennel seeds

¼ teaspoon (or to taste) cayenne pepper

Juice from ½ lemon

Lemon peel, chopped, from ½ lemon

Salt to taste

In a soup pot on the stovetop, combine all the ingredients except the salt. Bring to a low boil, then reduce to simmer. Simmer 20 to 30 minutes, stirring occasionally. When the liquid is reduced to about 2 cups and the broth is fragrant, strain it through a sieve and reserve the liquid. Compost the herbal matter and pour the broth into a thermos.

Yields 2 cups.

Excerpted/adapted from The Healing Kitchen, Roost Books 2016, by Holly Bellebuono

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