Folic Acid During Pregnancy

motherhood nutrition pregnancy Feb 07, 2024
green leafy vegetables

If you’re trying to get pregnant or you already are, folic acid or extra folate in the diet is recommended by the CDC at 400 micrograms (0.4 milligrams) for at least the first trimester. This is a form of a B vitamin (B9) that helps reduce fetal anomalies (especially with the nerves and brain), and it’s a vitamin that is actually widely prevalent and easily available since it’s added to many commercial foods. 

However, if you’re unsure you’re getting enough, you can request a prescription from your doctor, and/or you can add the following foods to your diet: 

High-Folic Acid Foods

Folic acid is the artificial version of the naturally occurring folate. You'll get folic acid from your pharmcist, and folate from your foods. The following foods are high in folate and should be eaten frequently, especially when trying to get pregnant, already pregnant, and breastfeeding:

  • wheat breads and wheat bran
  • legumes (beans), including chickpeas (even as hummus!), green beans, red lentils, green peas, split peas, navy beans, other beans
  • some meat (most meats are low, however beef liver is high). Chicken has very little folate
  • fish such as tuna and salmon (find fish sourced from clean, clear waters to avoid excess mercury)
  • root vegetables, such as carrots, potatoes, turnips
  • green leafy vegetables, such as spinach, stinging nettles, lamb’s quarters, mustard greens, and kale.

It can also be very helpful to ask your doctor for a prescription for extra folic acid, to supplement your diet.

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