Holly Bellebuono'sĀ Blog

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Herbal MedicineĀ 

Recipes, Herbal Remedies,Ā Natural Healing, Entrepreneurship, and Personal Transformation

Learning About Eucalyptus apothecary tips polynesian herbal medicine women healers of the world May 01, 2024

The following is an excerpt from Holly's award-winning documentary book Women Healers of the World: ...

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Herbal Medicines of Hawaii: My Interview with Auntie Velma indigenous healers polynesian herbal medicine women healers of the world Mar 13, 2024

When I wrote my book Women Healers of the World, I traveled to meet many of the women in-person, to talk with them, learn about their traditions, and honor...

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Polynesian Herbal Medicine indigenous healers polynesian herbal medicine women healers of the world Mar 05, 2024

In Hawaii, the study of healing with plants is called La'au lapa'au. The following is an excerpt from an essay in my documentary book Women Healers of the...

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