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Recipes, Herbal Remedies,Ā Natural Healing, Entrepreneurship, and Personal Transformation

The Ethnobotany of Scottish & Gaelic Pharmacy ethnobotany indigenous healers scottish herbs women healers of the world Jul 17, 2024

The following is a brief excerpt from Holly's award-winning documentary book Women Healers of the World, with Scottish journalist Mary Beith:  ...

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Gaelic Pharmacy and Its Ancient Traditions folk healing gaelic pharmacy indigenous healers scottish herbs women healers of the world Jul 10, 2024

The following is a partial excerpt from Holly Bellebuono's award-winning documentary book Women Healers of the World, now celebrating its 10-year...

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Princess & Activist: A Proud Keeper of Heritage conservation women healers of the world Jun 26, 2024

The following is an excerpt from Holly Bellebuono's award-winning documentary book Women Healers of the World. It's excerpted from a longer interviewed Holly...

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The History of Conservation & Preservation from Women Healers conservation indigenous healers women healers of the world Jun 19, 2024

The following is an excerpt from an essay in Holly Bellebuono's documentary book Women Healers of the World: The Traditions, History and Geography of Herbal...

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An Interview with Jody Noe: Naturopathic Doctor, Herbalist, & Inspiration indigenous healers jodynoe naturopathic women healers of the world Jun 05, 2024

The following is an excerpt from my award-winning documentary book Women Healers of the World to inspire you, an interview and feature of one of my...

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Western Herbal Medicine: A Tradition herbalism indigenous healers women healers of the world May 08, 2024

Because I grew up in United States, I learned Western Herbal Medicine, which as a whole, leans on American and European plants to support our...

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Learning About Eucalyptus apothecary tips polynesian herbal medicine women healers of the world May 01, 2024

The following is an excerpt from Holly's award-winning documentary book Women Healers of the World: ...

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Spiritual Bathing: My Interview with Ethnobotanist Rocio Alarcon ethnobotany indigenous healers women healers of the world Apr 23, 2024

The following is an excerpt from my documentary book Women Healers of the World to inspire you:

As a teacher, Rocío Alarcon has captured the...

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Ethnobotany: Exploring Our Relationships with Plants ethnobotany indigenous healers women healers of the world Apr 17, 2024

For a long time, I was fascinated with ethnobotany (I still am) to the point where I considered pursuing a PhD in the subject so that I could travel the...

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Raspberry apothecary tips postpartum women healers of the world Apr 10, 2024

Children love raspberry fruits: those thimble-shaped, red sweet-tarts that grow on long slender thorny branches, but herbalists prize the leaves. You can...

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