Holly Bellebuono'sĀ Blog

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Herbal MedicineĀ 

Recipes, Herbal Remedies,Ā Natural Healing, Entrepreneurship, and more from 30 years

Roses to the Rescue: Cooling Medicine apothecary tips newborns rose Sep 04, 2024

If your body temp is up, or if your baby is suffering from diaper rash… or you just can’t stop sweating… a Rose Body Powder might be the...

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Catnip apothecary tips catnip herbal teas newborns Aug 21, 2024

I love the herb catnip. Not as much as my cat, who plays with her catnip-stuffed toys in a frenzy sometimes and, at other times, completely ignores...

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Nutrient Deficiency During Pregnancy nutrition pregnancy Aug 14, 2024

When I was in my 20s, I knew a young woman who became pregnant and was thrilled about it. However, over the course of her pregnancy, three of her teeth fell...

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All You Need to Know About Yarrow apothecary tips herbal actions yarrow Jul 24, 2024

Yarrow is one of the most helpful and useful Western herbs I know and use. This lovely little wildflower, Achillea millefolium, offers multiple Herbal...

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The Ethnobotany of Scottish & Gaelic Pharmacy ethnobotany indigenous healers scottish herbs women healers of the world Jul 17, 2024

The following is a brief excerpt from Holly's award-winning documentary book Women Healers of the World, with Scottish journalist Mary Beith:  ...

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Gaelic Pharmacy and Its Ancient Traditions folk healing gaelic pharmacy indigenous healers scottish herbs women healers of the world Jul 10, 2024

The following is a partial excerpt from Holly Bellebuono's award-winning documentary book Women Healers of the World, now celebrating its 10-year...

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Complete Instructions to Make an Infused Herbal Oil & Healing Salve apothecary tips calendula diy and crafts healing kitchen hearth & home Jul 07, 2024

The idea of making an herbal oil can be intimidating. Will it spoil? Do the herbs need to be fresh or dried? How long will it last? Many would-be herbalists...

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Thyme apothecary tips herbal actions salve thyme Jul 03, 2024

One of my favorite scents, Thyme is a powerhouse of a healing herb. Most of us think of it for pizza or our favorite Italian or Middle Eastern dishes, but it...

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Is There An Herbal License in the US? community folk healing herb school herbalism natural products self development Jul 03, 2024

If you want to get serious about your herbal education, you may have researched certification programs in the United States. Here, we’ll go over...

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Princess & Activist: A Proud Keeper of Heritage conservation women healers of the world Jun 26, 2024

The following is an excerpt from Holly Bellebuono's award-winning documentary book Women Healers of the World. It's excerpted from a longer interviewed Holly...

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The History of Conservation & Preservation from Women Healers conservation indigenous healers women healers of the world Jun 19, 2024

The following is an excerpt from an essay in Holly Bellebuono's documentary book Women Healers of the World: The Traditions, History and Geography of Herbal...

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Cedar apothecary tips cedar postpartum Jun 12, 2024

The cedar tree is world-renowned and has much ancient history. But for this blog, we'll focus on a few of its herbal medicine actions.

Cedar as a Vermifuge


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